Pros and Cons of Nursing Unions — Your Healthcare community
“Much like any major decision, there are certainly pros and cons to joining a nursing union. We want our fellow nurses to feel as informed as possible when making this choice, so we have compiled a list of pros and cons below.”

How to Earn More As A Nurse, an Introduction
The demand of being an essential worker during a pandemic doesn't necessarily equate to more money.

4 Kid-Friendly Spots for Nurse Parents: O.C. Edition
Trying to find a balance between work and family time is difficult in our field and during a pandemic, we’ve struggled to find things to do with our children… with increased vaccine access and the weather warming up, we have more activity options for the family.

Self-Care Tips For Getting Through a Pandemic
If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we be able to take care of our patients? There's a few things we can do to keep ourselves entertained, healthy and uplifted during the pandemic.

The Work-Life Juggle
In the nurse mom’s quest to achieve work-life balance, we must understand that we are capable, clever, and most-of-all—human. Sometimes a ball will drop, but from that we must learn and grow and carry on tomorrow.

The Medical Bias Against Women
Women's health is something the medical community has to start taking steps to change.

Choosing the Ideal Workouts for Nurses
Have fun. While exercise isn’t easy, you should be having fun and feeling challenged. If it starts becoming drudgery or is not longer challenging, switch it up!

Healthy Snacks for Nurses
We need food that we can grab in the five or ten minutes between emergencies, things that allow us to chart with one hand and eat with the other.

The Working Mom’s Dilemma
The fact of the matter is that balancing childcare and work remain very much Mom’s Responsibility. (And this is assuming a two-parent household—single moms default to this role.)

A Look at the Impact of Medical Biases on Patients
As the medical professional begins to use terms like "lazy" and "bad" they begin to see their patents as worthless leading them to ignore symptoms and possible causes. These biases can cause lower quality of care, and those who have been deemed obese seek less medical care.

Black Nursefluencers to follow on Instagram
We need Black voices in healthcare more than ever now; these nurses are all walking different paths and come from very different backgrounds, but collectively, their ideas, messages, and advice contributes to a more balanced and equitable viewpoint in the field.

You’ve Got the ‘How,’ Now #FindYourWhy
In this dumpster fire of a year, the ability to stay tapped into your why is how I imagine there are even nurses left, at all. Because pandemic nursing ain’t for sissies, y’all.

Volunteering to Reignite the Nursing Soul
Volunteering is a way to rekindle the nurses’ appetite for caring. Even though at first it may seem like an excessive burden to place on an already overworked group, there is no greater salve for the weary soul than feeling like one’s efforts are needed, appreciated, and transformative.

A Brief History of Healthcare Education in HBCUs
In the U.S., Black women are three (3) times more likely to die during childbirth than white women. Women like Serena Williams have found themselves battling with medical professionals to have their voices heard. Many Black people note that they've felt their doctors and nurses expect them to have higher pain tolerance, thus leaving them to see multiple specialists until someone finds validity in their pain.

Achieving a Work-Life Balance, Working Moms Edition
As nurses, we are (mostly) great at prioritizing, (theoretically good at) delegating, and (capable of) knowing what ish to let go of. In other words, applying your nursing powers towards parenting responsibilities is a no-brainer.

Nurses' Mental Health and the Pandemic
Readjust expectations and work on healthy coping skills. Remember that running at capacity is normal for the winter months. If you’ve been laid off, look around at what is available that is outside what you would normally be doing and apply there.

Keeping a Work-Life Balance During the Holidays
The holidays are a stressful time for everyone, but working in healthcare can make it even more difficult. Whether you’re working on a major holiday or dealing with family coming to town, here are some ways to navigate your work-life balance through the holidays.

Influencing The Nursing World
Nurse influencers hold many roles and are an integral part of the nursing community. They offer advice and tips on how to flourish professionally as a healthcare worker, but also help us to understand how to balance work and life.

Three Slow Cooker Recipes for Nurses
When you know it’s going to be a long day and you want to come home to a dinner that’s ready to serve, these slow cooker ideas are perfect!

10 Gift Ideas for Nurses and Nursing Students
Since this year has been even more hectic than normal, we know it’s important to get the nurses in our lives what they actually want and need. Below are ten ideas for gifts your favorite fellow nurses- and nursing students- will love.
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