When RN stands for Really Naughty: The problem with perpetuating the ‘sexy nurse’ costume on Halloween
The sexy nurse costume is easily the most prolific option on the “sexy costume “ shortlist. If the heart of Halloween is all about Good Fun, why ruffle our feathers about a silly costume, right? Well, the harm in that, is the harm in it.

Trick or treat: the realities & unexpected delights of nursing
You’ve heard it said before: nursing isn’t so much of a job as it is a calling. This blog post explains the harsh realities & unexpected delights of nursing

In The Field: Nurse Rachel encourages everyone to stay focused on their mission of compassionate care for their patients.
Believe that empathy, treating each patient as if they were a family member, and understanding that it is okay for others to have different values and beliefs, is critical to treating others

In The Field: Nurse Stephanie believes that the biggest challenge nurses are facing at this time is the disconnect, especially in long-term care and memory care.
We have to come up with better methods to communicate and care for those already at risk patients

Why are so many nurses anti-science?
Vaccines, transgender care, abortion: these are just a handful of trending topics nurses voice strong opinions over. But when the science is clear on these topics, why do some many nurses continue to speak out against them?

Pandemic nursing ain’t over…Here’s the nursing work that remains to be done.
I’m willing to bet it’s almost everyone reading this right now. Yet, mingling about in the community, I’m also willing to bet that basic COVID precautions — mask-wearing, social distancing, avoidance of large crowds — has seen no appreciable change

What being a nurse has taught me about health equity and social justice
“Social determinants of health” was not a subject I had much considered before stepping inbounds of nursing school.
The privilege oozing from that statement makes it hard to write out loud.

The Nurse Addict Part 3: Reclaiming—life, work, and self-worth—after recovery.
“It’s true the monitoring programs accomplish their goal: nurses actually have a pretty good track record when it comes to returning to the bedside and safely practicing. That’s not to say treating addiction in healthcare practitioners is easy—but like most mental health modalities, it requires nuanced care, grounded in compassion.”

Effect of Russia Ukraine war on nurse trauma and mental health
28 million — the number of nurses globally who stand in solidarity with their Ukrainian colleagues. These stats are sobering, and generate a sense of compassion for Ukrainian nurses that stems from heartbreak, urgency, and unity.

The Nurse Addict Part 2: Recovery in the face of discipline
Nurse addicts are often high-functioning—they manage to juggle high levels of addiction while still maintaining the appearance of normalcy in their work and home lives. Add in the stigma of addiction and the fear of losing their job if they were to seek help, and their drug or alcohol abuse can go unchecked for quite some time.

The Nurse Addict Part 1: The slippery slope
Perpetuated by silence and steeped in shame—this taboo subject deserves to be brought into the light. Think about the nurses who work with you on your unit—statistically, you are working with someone doing a pretty decent job of covering up…well, their suffering, really.

Pulse check: The role of the nurse and LGBTQIA+ rights
Already fragile, restricting access to care—in essence giving over decision-making about one’s own body to a legislative body—further marginalizes minority groups. It widens the gaping chasm that some of our patients already traverse in order to access care now. For nurses, the attacks on LGBTQIA+ rights are the most worrisome. It’s not right, it’s not fair and we need to pull the e-brake in the name of public health—the area where we can do the most good.

Impact of nursing shortage: Where are all the nurses?
Although working short used to be a situational occurrence, anyone working in nursing today can attest to the everyday commonality of this situation now. And while it may be tempting to wholly blame it on poor working conditions (not altogether untrue), the actual reasons behind our depleted workforce are a bit more nuanced.

Abortion bans — an attack on healthcare rights
We will answer a far-more-relevant-to-nursing question— “What are the key facts that support access to safe and legal abortion as a pillar of reproductive health and freedom?” Because the good news is, when circular debates with all their nefarious rancor and virulent rhetoric swirl us about like Dorothy in the tornado, we have one true thing we can safely anchor to: science

Don’t Say Gay— A Nurse’s POV
We must actively work to create—and maintain—an environment that is safe and welcoming and familiarize ourselves with the specific healthcare risks that members of this diverse population face, in order to screen our patients effectively.

Healthcare for Y’All*: The implications for nursing care in the wake of the latest Texas anti-trans legislation
We must voice our support for our trans patients and their families. Nurses—stay loud, stay vocal.

Tips For Supporting Multilingual Patients
Part of communicating in healthcare is being able to show empathy, be caring towards others and sensitive to cultural differences.

4 Tips for nurses to provide culturally competent care
Culturally competent care is more than a privilege.
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