10 things I wish I knew in nursing school
Studying in a group really helped me home in on particular studying skills and to better retain vital information.

Advice for nursing students: choosing a nursing specialty
There are so many ways to finding a good fit and a speciality that you love but much like the lottery you gotta be in it to win it.

You’ve Got the ‘How,’ Now #FindYourWhy
In this dumpster fire of a year, the ability to stay tapped into your why is how I imagine there are even nurses left, at all. Because pandemic nursing ain’t for sissies, y’all.

Achieving a Work-Life Balance, Working Moms Edition
As nurses, we are (mostly) great at prioritizing, (theoretically good at) delegating, and (capable of) knowing what ish to let go of. In other words, applying your nursing powers towards parenting responsibilities is a no-brainer.

So You Want to be an ER Nurse?
Always remember, you were hired onto this unit for a reason, and part of that reason is that someone saw in you a glimmer of “go-getter-ness.”

In The Field: Spotlight on Aimee Whiteley, Future RN
“My nana is my inspiration; she has had four DIFFERENT types of cancer across the last 60 years and beat all of them... until now.”

Various Fields of Nursing
The multitude of opportunities is one of the amazing things about choosing a career as a nurse. To a student just starting out, that same multitude of opportunities can be overwhelming. In this article, we break down the various opportunities in nursing, and help you understand what it may be like to work in those fields.

Why Nursing is a Great Career Choice
From flight nursing to hospice care, from prison to parish, from pediatrics to geriatrics, from fitness nursing to labor and delivery, there are options for every personality, skill level and adrenaline junkie or lack thereof.

Yes—Nurses Eat Their Young
The seasoned nurses—who just an hour earlier had been congratulating me on my admission to nursing school that coming Fall—both rolled their eyes. One heaved a sigh, not even trying to hide her exasperation at my inquiry.

Diet Matters
How we nourish our bodies directly impacts how well we are able to work. Diet does matter, and those who eat well also work well. But nurses face unique challenges and barriers to good nutrition.

Bursar’s Office Blues
In the past couple of decades, college tuition rates have risen astronomically, and this includes the cost of attending nursing school, as well.

“I’m a Nurse, and…”
As nurses, we face the same increased cost-of-living expenses and hefty student loan debt as our peers do; but without the benefit of hourly pay raises, taking on a second, (or even third) job is not just a hip lifestyle strategy—it’s a necessity to stay above water.

The way it feels to become a nurse is that you absolutely cannot become a nurse.
I was the first to arrive for the dayshift nurses (early, of course), and when the nightshift realized I would not be relieving them in any sense, their hopeful faces fell at the sight of me. “Shit. I can’t do this,” I thought.
In The Field: Spotlight on Jasmine Durant, BSN, RN
Leaving work at work is one of the best ways to deal with the stress of a nursing job I think. Creating some sort of ritual to signify that you are over that part of your day has helped me.

In The Field: Spotlight on Nicole Douphinette, RN
Take the time to find your routine and what works best for you. Your preceptors routine may not work for you and that's okay. Get into your own groove, it does get easier.
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