The nursing shortage and what you need to know
The effects of the nursing shortage are more menacing than you think. Check out this blog to learn more about what they are.

The news is crazy right now! The best way to de-stress?
It’s understandable if you’re stressed, but don’t let it bring you down too much. As we’re continuing to learn, stress can have a myriad of harmful side effects.

What makes a happy nurse
A happy nurse is a good nurse. Everyone knows that, right? As the backbone of every hospital, you belong to a remarkable breed of professionals with a passion for helping others.

How to deal with death as a caregiver
One of the most complex parts of our jobs is to witness the death of a love one or someone you have taken care of for a time. Learning how to manage grief and other emotions in these trying times would help them cope when similar situations

Effect of Russia Ukraine war on nurse trauma and mental health
28 million — the number of nurses globally who stand in solidarity with their Ukrainian colleagues. These stats are sobering, and generate a sense of compassion for Ukrainian nurses that stems from heartbreak, urgency, and unity.

What is a healthy work environment for nurses?
If you are a nurse, you understand a message that resonates strongly. You have likely been part of a toxic work environment at some point in your nursing career as a student or while in the workforce. There is an epidemic of bullying and incivility in healthcare that must be confronted.

Stress Management Tips
Whether or not you're aware of this, stress management in the medical profession has become quite a problem. There's no need to sugarcoat it — nurses are literally stressed out.

How to deal with the loss of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic
The continual waves of COVID variants, vaccines that haven’t brought us the relief that we had hoped for, and the continued loss of patients… have only added to a lingering feeling of senselessness.

Actionable mental health tips for nurses: holiday season edition
It’s more than just FOMO - we are missing out while we watch others celebrate as “normal” despite public health and/or government orders.

In the Field: Nurse Riva Rios explains the importance of mental wellness and cultural competency
We have a moral and ethical obligation to ourselves and our colleagues to change this before it becomes culture.

In The Field: Nurse Stephanie’s view on the culture of nursing
I'm hopeful that there is a shift happening where more experienced nurses are kinder to newer nurses.
A pediatric home care nurse advocates for vaccines and self care
Schedule self care time in just like you would your homework/work schedule. This way it is a priority just like work is.
In The Field: Nurse Olivia’s passion for personal care and clean beauty
In order to overflow onto others to help them reach their maximum potential we must first have our cups full.

Being Aware of Your Own Mental Health
As nurses, we take on a lot of responsibility while dealing with burnout, depression, and anxiety at work and in our lives.

In The Field: Nurse Colette advocates for more opportunities for new grads
Always ask for help, don't ever just go rogue.

In The Field: Nurse Bocage is taking steps to dispel mental health stigmas
The stigma attached to mental illness has always bothered me.

How to cope when you are a caregiver
The day-to-day of dealing with the loss of patients, uncontrollable human pain and emotion, is one of the most challenging encounters in clinical practice.

In The Field: A San Diego County nurse offers insight into the hiring process for new graduates
Resist picking up a lot of extra shifts; burnout is real.

Choosing the Ideal Workouts for Nurses
Have fun. While exercise isn’t easy, you should be having fun and feeling challenged. If it starts becoming drudgery or is not longer challenging, switch it up!
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