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Sylvain Brousseau Ph.D., inf/RN, FFNMRCSI, M.Sc.: Canadian Nurses Association President, researcher, professor

An exclusive interview

Encouraging unity between Canada’s nursing organizations

“If you bring me back to 1986 when I started - not as a nurse, but as a personal health worker - to do the care bays to help nurses, my chief nurse said to me one day, “Sylvain, how come you didn't study nursing? The way you are talking to the nurses, where you are always in the front, to help the person first – you always make differences in the unit. You're always there to empower others, and it seems you are very passionate about what you do.” I said, “Okay, I'm going to do all the processes because here in Quebec, we have to enter into practice and we still do the same today. I went to college to get my diploma. Even in my first year of my courses, it was challenging for me because of learning how to understand all the technical words. I wanted to make a difference to people's quality of work, life, and to help the person to improve themselves and prevent injuries.”

Dr. Sylvain Brousseau is a doctor of nursing sciences and nurse administration. He received his baccalaureate in nursing from the University of Ottowa and his masters in nursing from the University of Montreal. In 2015 he finished his doctorate at the University of Montreal. His Ph.D. research concerned the effect of a quality work-life balance on nursing managers. He served as a board member of the Quebec Board of Nurses from 2006-2008. He founded the Regroupement for the Future of the Nursing Profession of Québec (RAPIQ) in 2014 and served as chair until 2017. RAPIQ became the Québec Nurses Association in 2017, which he chaired transitionally through 2018. In 2020, Dr. Brousseau was elected as the president of the Canadian Nurses Association. He also serves as an associate professor at the University du Quebec en Outaouais.

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NurseDeck’s Insider’s Perspective magazine is a 100% free publication established to spread awareness and build valuable connections with the nursing community. We do not work with advertisers.

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