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Michelle Rhodes, RN, MHS, CMCN: Executive wellness coach, author, entrepreneur

An exclusive interview: the nursepreneur targeting emotional wellness in healthcare

Before I really launched into coaching as a whole, the first thing I did was a wellness coach program that's through coaches in a very well known coaching program. It was through that I saw the lens of coaching to really touch every area of our lives. I believe wellness does the same thing.

Wellness is very big and an all encompassing thing and it gives us little niches we can work on in different parts of our lives. So I think that nurses and all of us, we can always make use of that mirror and take a look at ourselves and say, ‘okay, am I where I want to be financially? Do I feel mentally well? How am I connecting with my emotions? Physically, am I taking care of myself?'

So many of those just as people we don't get to hone in on like we should, but even more so with our nurses, so since I’m a nurse it just made perfect sense.

Michelle Rhodes has over 26 years of experience as a registered nurse. She spent many of those years as a managed care nurse, helping healthcare companies save millions and make millions behind the scenes. Now, Rhodes is an executive coach, pioneering entrepreneur, and published author.

NurseDeck Insider Perspectives is a 100% free publication established to spread awareness and build valuable connections with the nursing community. We do not work with advertisers

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