NurseDeck magazine: The Insider’s Perspective of Nursing
Caring - Integrity - Diversity - Excellence
Highlighting stories from nurses in the field, with tips on leadership, mental health, and more. Featuring exclusive interviews with nurse leaders, entrepreneurs and influencer doing incredible work that inspires and motivates.

Nicole Thomas DNP, RN, CCM: Nurse Educator, independent consultant, CEO
After experiencing subpar healthcare outcomes as a child from encounters with the healthcare system, Dr. Nicole Thomas made it her life’s mission to utilize her clinical knowledge and expertise to positively impact the lives of all receipts of the healthcare system. She is the founder and principal consultant of Impact Nurse Consulting, a healthcare consulting firm founded in 2015 that provides innovative and quality-based solutions that lead to high-quality patient health outcomes for healthcare organizations globally. She has led in her roles as a nurse-leader, associate director, and educator for various fortune 500 companies in the area of medical & clinical operations. In addition, Dr. Thomas led a fortune 7 managed care organization in developing, implementing, and evaluating clinical programs during the transition of Louisiana Medicaid to a managed care system. She is also the author of the best-selling book “In Health On Purpose: Awakening Your True Calling In The Healthcare Profession” which was #6 in the professional development category on Amazon. She is also the co-founder of the #1 nursing development platform, The Nurse Power Network, that helps nurses find, operate, & dominate in their nurse power which has helped over 20,000 nurses and counting. Learn more at NicoleThomasINC.com.