NurseDeck magazine: The Insider’s Perspective of Nursing
Caring - Integrity - Diversity - Excellence
Highlighting stories from nurses in the field, with tips on leadership, mental health, and more. Featuring exclusive interviews with nurse leaders, entrepreneurs and influencer doing incredible work that inspires and motivates.

Taura Barr Ph.D., RN, NC-BC, FAHA: Entrepreneur, executive coach, innovator, educator
Taura Barr, Ph.D., RN, NC-BC, FAHA, is an internationally recognized scientist for her work in stroke and the immune system. In 2015, she left academia to launch Valtari Bio and Deep Roots Healing LLC, working since as a nurse entrepreneur and business coach. Taura remains the founding scientist of Valtari Bio, a startup companion diagnostics company focused on advancing the treatment of stroke, through the development of next-generation precision diagnostics. In 2021, she launched an executive coaching and consulting business to work with academic and healthcare organizations to jumpstart a culture of innovation. Connect with Taura on LinkedIn and find her at taurabarr.com.