NurseDeck magazine: The Insider’s Perspective of Nursing
Caring - Integrity - Diversity - Excellence
Highlighting stories from nurses in the field, with tips on leadership, mental health, and more. Featuring exclusive interviews with nurse leaders, entrepreneurs and influencer doing incredible work that inspires and motivates.

Angel Daniels, DNP, MSN.ed, RN, CCM: Transformational nurse leader, educator, lifelong learner
Dr. Angel Daniels, DNP, MSN.ed,RN, CCM, is a clinical transformation manager with broad experience in the hospital and healthcare industry. She is currently serving as the program chair at the Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing in Virginia. She holds a doctorate of nursing practice from Chamberlain College of Nursing, with a concentration in health system leadership, and is also a certified case manager. She also has a history of diversity and inclusion work, serving as co-chair on the Virginia Nurses Association DEI Council and the AACC Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Leadership Network. She’s also held leadership roles in DNPs of Color and the Central Virginia Chapter Black Nurses Association.