NurseDeck magazine: The Insider’s Perspective of Nursing
Caring - Integrity - Diversity - Excellence
Highlighting stories from nurses in the field, with tips on leadership, mental health, and more. Featuring exclusive interviews with nurse leaders, entrepreneurs and influencer doing incredible work that inspires and motivates.

Danielle McCamey, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC, FCCP: Nurse leader, clinician, mentor, educator
Dr. Danielle McCamey got her BS in nursing from the University of Virginia, and started her nursing career at Georgetown University Hospital. Shortly afterwards, she obtained her MS from Georgetown University, specializing in acute care advanced practice, and went on to earn a doctorate in nursing practice from Georgetown University, where her dissertation focused on integration of palliative care screening of neurosurgical patients on admissions. She has over 16 years of critical care nursing experience and nearly a decade as an acute nurse practitioner. Currently, she works as the Chief Advanced Practice Provider of the Preanesthesia Testing Department and Senior Advanced Practice Provider in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit. In 2019, she was inducted as a fellow in the American College of Chest Physicians. Danielle is the founder, CEO and president of DNPs of Color, Inc., and was inspired to create DNPs of Color because she wanted to create a space, a community for DOCs to elevate themselves, the nursing profession and communities through the richness of our diversity.