NurseDeck magazine: The Insider’s Perspective of Nursing
Caring - Integrity - Diversity - Excellence
Highlighting stories from nurses in the field, with tips on leadership, mental health, and more. Featuring exclusive interviews with nurse leaders, entrepreneurs and influencer doing incredible work that inspires and motivates.

Dawn Jones, RN, NC-BC: Holistic nurse coach, experienced clinical nurse
Dawn Jones is a board certified holistic nurse coach with an extensive clinical back bedside background in neonatal intensive care, pediatrics, dialysis, and as a transplant team coordinator. She founded her coaching business What the Actual Health (WTAhealth.com) in May 2021, and now works with nurses to practice love and self-compassion and feel empowered to be an expert on their needs and choices. Through coaching principles and healing modalities, she supports healing in the body, mind, emotion, spirit, and environment. She believes that health promotion and holistic wellness starts with the nurse, so we need healthcare professionals who engage in healthy lifestyles to model health and wellness at work, home, and in the community.