In The Field: Spotlight on Lorna Brown, LPN

This week, we’re shining the spotlight on Lorna Brown, LPN, a nurse and career coach based in Jacksonville, Florida. She’s talking about what inspired her to start her career coaching business, her thoughts on the “nurses eat their young” stereotype, and how she found her way to her specialty. Connect with her career coaching business at her Instagram page, and find her helpful job-related videos through her YouTube channel!


Q: What is your specialty and where are you based?

A: Home health and Nursing Career Coaching Services. Currently based in Jacksonville, Fl.

Q: True or False: nurses eat their young.

A: True and false. Unfortunately, some nurses forget when they too were a shy nervous timid nursing student or even grad nurse! It’s so unfortunate. But thank God for the awesome nurses that have led and paved the way. I still remember some of the awesome nurses I met while in nursing school and as a grad student.

Q: Any self care or mental health tips for new nurses?

A: Work...but play harder. You’ve worked sooo hard to earn your nursing degree and pass the boards! So when you work those long hours don’t forget to use that money and treat yourself to all of the indulgences you missed doing while studying hard in school. Take care of you so you can take care of others!

Q: How did you choose your specialty? What drew you to it?

A: My specialty definitely found me! I’ve always worked in home health, even as a CNA. But, once COVID attacked both my 4 daughters and I, which caused me to get laid off from my work from home medical review job, it pushed me to pivot and branch out. Thus, now helping nurses rise and reach their full potential in their nursing career. We all deserve to work in the field we desire to.


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