The story begins with you.
NurseDeck partnered with Get Us PPE, the largest national organization getting personal protective equipment, to the frontline workers who need it most during this time. Providing PPE at no cost to under-resourced communities, Get Us PPE has offered over 8.5 million pieces of PPE to frontline workers.
Get Us PPE kept tabs on the items that were in highest demand by healthcare professionals: N95 Respirators, Surgical Masks, Protective Goggles, Gloves, Face Shields, Wipes & Disinfectants, Coveralls, Booties, and Gowns. The price of an N95 mask increased 1300% during the pandemic, proving to be another significant hurdle in access to equipment. NurseDeck is a healthcare community of resources designed to support your work-life balance, wherever you are. This is why we partnered with Get Us PPE to help provide personal protective equipment to those who need it most, efficiently, and equitably.
Become a part of the NurseDeck community by signing up for a free NurseDeck account.
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Directly donate to Get Us PPE using our Givebutter link
The PPE Shortage continued nationwide:
Safety in an era of PPE shortages:
Healthcare facilities nationally are still facing PPE shortages. 35% of frontline workers requesting N95 masks in February 2021 reported that their facility had no supply remaining — up from 28% in January.
The safe reopening of our schools, religious centers, gyms, restaurants, and clubs was all dependant upon proper access to safety equipment. Principals were struggling to maintain supplies for their faculty who work closely with students, even stopping on their way home from work every day to purchase any PPE that local stores have left. Schools made up the largest group requesting PPE from Get Us PPE. More than 80% of schools needed help were public schools, which request disinfecting wipes, gloves, and hand sanitizer.
In an era of life-threatening illnesses and PPE shortages, how can we think and act in a way that maintains safety? How do we separate accepted risk and unacceptable danger? We’re laying out the questions on the blog and invite you to join the conversation.
This was just the start. Our sleeves are rolled up, and we’re excited to move forward fighting to protect our healthcare workers - in every way possible
Our partners:
From the beginning, our vision and primary goal is to be a partner for the healthcare workers in the field.
You have the power to help your community: tell your friends, or donate directly through Givebutter and commit to staying informed by subscribing to NurseDeck. Your efforts bring positive change and unity in a time of global crisis. We ask that you tell your story in order to empower others to keep fighting. Subscribe today so that we can help fight this ongoing battle together.