Time management tips to survive nursing school

Nursing school is no joke. Studying, lab, clinicals, and lectures -- seems like there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done! The stress of trying to accomplish everything can be stressful. Having that added stress could affect your grades and how you perform during clinicals. Nursing school is very important (obviously) but your life needs balance.

Students often need to make sacrifices in order to stay on top of their school work but spending time with family and friends shouldn’t be one of them. This time management tips for nursing students will keep you on tract, will avoid destroying your social life and prevents you from driving yourself crazy, .

Implementing simple ideas into your routine will give you the opportunity to focus on school and still remain sane! Here are some time management tips you can implement today.


Avoid Distractions.

Put your cell phone down! You read that correctly -- ditch the cell phone while studying. It is so easy to become distracted when trying to study. Putting your phone away will allow you to focus on your school work and not Facebook.

How many times have you been scrolling on Facebook and a whole hour goes by -- an hour of wasted time that could have been used studying! Let your family and friends know your study hours and that you will be unavailable. Avoiding these distractions will allow you to put all your energy into nursing.

Study With Others.

Study groups aren’t for everyone but they can be very beneficial. Finding a studying group will allow you to set a specific amount of time aside. This time spent with like minded people will be efficient and worth your time. You could even include your family and friends. Create flash cards or worksheets that others can use to quiz you. Family time and studying wrapped into one!

Stay Organized.

Staying organized will allow you to keep track of your assignments and exams. Use a planner or calendar that you can carry around and refer to at any time. Knowing exactly when everything is due or when you have an upcoming exam will give you ample time to complete the work and study. Don’t wait till the last minute to complete an assignment! Use your planner to combine certain activities.

If you like to go to the gym, take your note cards with you or listen to your lectures while you exercise. Spend time relaxing on the couch while going over your notes -- killing two birds with one stone! Focusing on nursing school isn’t a permanent part of your life. You won’t spend the rest of your life learning about different medications or lab values. Eventually you will graduate, get a job, and start living your dream life!

Nursing school isn’t for the weak. It takes a special person to make it through nursing school and become a nurse. Put in the time and effort now -- no one wants to redo a semester of nursing school. Work hard and remind yourself why you wanted to become a nurse in the first place.


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