Do you feel stuck in your field?

Good news! You are not stuck. You are not a statue.

A statue is an object that is typically unmovable and stays in one place. If you are feeling stuck in your area of work, guess what, you can move! 


Nursing is a great career because it offers so many different options. Diversity at its finest. The many different fields are countless!

 All different areas are there for your choosing such as same day surgery, forensics, research, home care, emergency room, case management, education, cath lab, quality review, school health, clinics, mental health, long term care, occupational health etc. You name it! I cannot even name them all. With that said, all you have to do is choose.  

If you are feeling stuck in your current area of work, make a list of things that interest you. This does not necessarily have to be a list pertaining to nursing fields. Once you make a list, try and correlate the items on said list to an area of nursing. For example, crocheting may come up on your list of things that interest you.

That is something that may be allowed to do as an activity with patients in a nursing home or during a home care visit. 

When you’ve comprised your list narrow it down to your top three items or the areas that speak to you the most. Once you have a list from there you can see if you can schedule a tour or perhaps shadow someone in that area of interest. This will give you firsthand insight into the field and you get a feel without the commitment in the event that you actually don’t like it.  


You can also get a feel for a nursing specialty by going on the organization’s website and perusing through the particular department of interest. You can get a feel for what is all about all from the click of a button and from the comfort of your own home.

Another avenue to explore is talking to your colleagues to see what they like and dislike about the particular field you may be interested in. Insider info gives you a heads up on the reality of your areas of interest and the day to day happenings.  

The bottom line is that in nursing you should never feel stuck! There are way too many options available to ever feel that way. The only thing standing in your way is you!  


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