In The Field: Nurse Janelle tells us about her unconventional path to nursing
Atlanta based reproductive and sexual health nurse, Janelle offers mental wellness tips, talks about nurse unions and shares her unscripted career path.
Q: TRUE or FALSE “Nurses eat their young.”
Janelle K. MPH, BSN, RN @thenursenote
A: I believe that this statement is false. In recent years, I believe that there have been more nurses standing up to nurse bullying. The expectation is that we are vocal against nurse bullying to let everyone know that this behavior is not tolerated. I also believe that nurses are now encouraged to communicate openly and honestly with one another and confront the behavior as soon as it happens. I also think that nurses are approaching the profession with a more collaborative spirit.
Q: What is your specialty and where are you based?
A: I am a registered nurse based out of Atlanta, GA. I specialize in reproductive and sexual health.
Q: Any self care or mental health tips for new nurses?
A: I think it's important to engage in self-care. Burnout is real! We as nurses always focus on helping and providing for others but taking the time to care for yourself is crucial to maintaining your wellbeing. Taking time to care for yourself only helps you to provide optimal care to others.
Q: What does cultural competence mean for healthcare providers?
A: Cultural competence means that healthcare providers are taking the time to learn and have an understanding of another culture. It means integrating certain cultural practices or traditions into the patient's current plan of care so that the patient can have optimal health outcomes.
Q: What is your experience with nurse unions?
A: I actually don't have any experience with nurse unions. I have only practiced in non-union states.
Q: How did you choose your specialty? What drew you to it?
A: My nursing career was definitely not scripted. After working in public health for 8 years, I decided to go back to school to become a nurse. Because of my public health background, I knew that any nursing specialty I selected would have a public health focus. After working as an outreach nurse for a few months, I secured a position working in adolescent medicine. I really enjoyed working with this population. They value the opinion and recommendations of their healthcare team. I also enjoy the relationships that are formed with young adults.
Follow Janelle on Instagram @thenursenote