In The Field: Nurse Ginger tells us what she wish she knew her first day of nursing
California-based hospice nurse Ginger Blackwell, discusses self-care advice and what she would tell her former self on her first day of nursing.
Q: TRUE or FALSE “Nurses eat their young.”
Ginger Blackwell, RN
Q: What is your specialty and where are you based?
A: Hospice and Fresno, CA.
Q: Any self-care or mental health tips for new nurses?
A: Do your best to find balance! Taking care of ourselves is very important too! Make the time for some type of stress outlet that makes you feel good. Remember you can get through anything! Always be open to learning, you never quit learning in nursing.
Q: Given the opportunity to speak to yourself on Day 1 of nursing school, what advice would you give?
A: Doing care plans will become much easier later LOL! You will look back at nursing school someday and laugh at all of the funny things you did and the mistakes you made while learning and laugh! Find a great ear to speak with, use this ear for support, guidance and listening. I promise you will look back on this time in your life and never regret it.