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In The Field: Nurse Avery believed that every nurse must learn to take care of their mental health by taking time for themselves.

 Pediatric intensive care unit in Phoenix, AZ, Nurse Avery believed that every nurse should learn to take care of their mental health by making time for themselves, such as getting extra sleep or seeing a therapist after a tragic patient situation.

Q: TRUE or FALSE: “Nurses eat their young.” 

A: True. I do think it depends on the environment you work in. But I do think that some nurses are so particular in their ways that they are unable to accept new ways from new nurses that are taught modern care in nursing school.

Q: What is your specialty and where are you based? 

A: Pediatric intensive care unit in Phoenix, AZ.

Avery Woods, RN, BSN

Q: Any self care or mental health tips for new nurses? 

A: Take time for YOU. Even if that means to get some extra sleep after a long shift or maybe see a therapist after a tragic patient situation.

Q: What was your best day as a nurse? Worst? What did you learn from either?

A: My best day as a nurse was when I watched an 18 month old patient walk out of my unit with her family a few weeks after being admitted for drowning. When she was admitted, we didn't know if she was going to have any brain activity. 

My worst day as a nurse was when I watched a young teenager pass from cancer. It was so fast, heartbreaking and I dreamed about him and his mother's cries for weeks. I learned to have hope from my drowning patient and how important it is to pass away peacefully from my patient with cancer.