Pandemic safe activities for families

If you look back to what life was like 2+ years ago, things were very different. A lot has changed in such a short period of time! For all of the challenges that the pandemic has brought to us, it has made us resourceful. As nurses, we are no strangers to adapting and making split decisions… or changing course and pivoting when the situation demands it. 

This is especially true for those of us who are also working parents, partners and caregivers. Changes in primary education for children have been a rollercoaster of emotions and expectations these past few years. Remote learning, in-person, back to remote learning - it has been like a never-ending cycle. Now, you might say that becoming resourceful is not a good thing, especially when we are dealing with systems that have not had anyone’s best interest at heart - a system that prioritizes many things before it even thinks about health and safety. 

We also do not want to make light of the harsh reality - things have been rough. Not all of us are fortunate enough to have support systems like families and nannies. Not all of us have the “luxury” of working from home or have a daycare center that is still open. That being said, COVID has given many families something it did not have before - time with their loved ones. Increased time at home has created more opportunities for quality time - time that would have otherwise been spent commuting or elsewhere. 

We’d like to take some time to share some pandemic-safe activities for families - to bring some joy into your day, or to create moments of quality time. For all of the cons that are out there and are very real, let’s look at some fun things to do too:

Movie Marathons

If we counted all of the streaming services available at our disposal - we would probably miss one! That’s how many there are and these days, we are more connected than ever. One of the easiest ways to spend some quality time is to hang out on the couch and watch a tv show or movie with your family. 

Streaming services have definitely seen the influx of folks staying at home and upping their streaming intake, this is part of the reason why they’re all making a mad dash to acquire and create as much content as possible. 

Whether animation is your jam, or you love a movie trilogy or entire universes - a la Harry Potter, Star Wars and Marvel, there’s something for everyone! The beauty of streaming is that there are no set times - you can pick up the remote and watch whenever. It’s the perfect opportunity to schedule or plan a night with your family that works for everyone’s individual schedules. 

Head into the Great Outdoors

If you live in an area that allows for some time in nature, consider making a trip! Spending time outdoors has awesome health benefits, and it’s a way to avoid being cooped up at home without taking the risk of navigating huge crowds. You can hike, camp or depending on where you live - head to the beach! A change of scenery will help it feel like a mini vacation without too much planning involved. 

If you have young children, spending time moving and doing physical activities is also great for stimulation and burning energy! The kids will likely want to nap or head to bed right at bedtime, which can leave some me-time for you as well. There’s something for everyone!

Get Crafty

One of the best ways to bond is by participating in a shared activity like arts and crafts. It’s entertaining and fun and keeps those little hands busy! Be mindful that if you do go this route, you may have to prep your craft area to avoid as little mess as possible! 

The beauty of the internet is that there are literally millions of YouTube and TikTok videos geared towards fun crafting activities for all ages. You can break out the paper, colored pencils, crayons, etc for a drawing sesh - or paint if you’re feeling brave! There are also tons of other ways to create fun pieces of art - like glue, pipe cleaners, etc. Think back to what you used to do in elementary school and you can do no wrong! 

Another ‘craft’ that is a great way to have some fun is baking! Goodies like cupcakes and cookies are simple enough to make but will be a delicious treat that everyone can share. Pro tip: there is no shame in the Betty Crocker game - no one will be able to tell the difference! There are great tips online for fancy-ing up some store bought cake or brownie mix and making it feel more gourmet. 

We hope these activities have sparked some great ideas for you to enjoy some quality time with the family during the pandemic. As always, remember to stay safe and healthy - and most importantly: try to let loose and have some fun! Let out that inner child once in a while.


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