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8 Tips to prepare for your night shift as a nurse

Working as a registered nurse can feel incredibly overwhelming. It's a job that requires a lot of time and concentration, especially when working a night shift. That's why you must focus on minimizing stress, so you are ready and alert. The workplace atmosphere related to the night shift requires you to make significant adjustments to your daily routine and personal life. Here are eight tips to help you prepare for your night shift!

Pack your meals: Worrying about where you will order your meal and when it will come is the last thing you want to think about during your night shift. It's easy to find yourself tired, and having your meals organized will help you feel fueled and focused. This step will save you time and keep you energetic throughout the night. 

Make healthy meal choices: The meals and snacks you eat before and after your night shift can affect your energy, stamina, and performance levels. It's essential to choose foods that will give you energy and not cause you to crash. Natural food possesses fewer harmful effects on the body than the typical sugar-filled junk food item.

Focus on your mindset: If you start your shift off bad, it's hard for it to get better. It's essential to start your night shift with a positive mindset. Be sure to take time to enjoy activities you find relaxing. Yoga is a great way to prepare your body and mind for your night shift.

Gather your supplies: Before starting your night shift, be sure to organize and gather all the supplies you will need. This allows you to have a smoother workflow without interruptions. Check to make sure you have your stethoscope, Maglite, charts, and other supplies such as dressing scissors, IV parts, tape, and alcohol pads available.

Stay Hydrated: Water is essential to your health. Use a refillable water bottle and keep it close to your workstation. Staying hydrated will keep you alert throughout the night. If you find the taste of water boring, try infusing your water with fruits or vegetables from recipes you can find online. This is an excellent way to stay hydrated while adding delicious flavors and extra nutrients, too.

Talk to someone: Nurses tend to focus all of their energy on patients and forget about themselves. Having someone available to discuss your work life with can be beneficial. It can be a partner, friend, family member, or trained therapist. It doesn't always matter who the support is after a tough night shift, as long as you're able to let your feelings out. 

Prepare your home and your roommates: Everyone living with you will be affected by your work schedule plan to share your work and sleep schedule with family members and roommates. If you're having trouble sleeping before your shift, blackout curtains can help eliminate light in the room. You can also download white noise apps from your phone to help you drift into a peaceful sleep.

 Make Wise Choices: Never drive home if you're feeling drowsy or sleepy after your night shift. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it's reported that more than 100,000 accidents are caused by drowsy driving annually. 

These tips will help you prepare yourself to have s successful night shift. 

If you ever find yourself struggling during a night shift, visit our online community to connect with other nurses and get advice. We are here to help you.